Executive Board

Albert José Jones - Doc Jones


Welcome to the legacy of underwater exploration! I am Albert José Jones, affectionately known as Doc Jones, and I proudly hold the position of Founder at the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS). Here's a glimpse into my journey and aspirations for the UAS community:


Hometown: Washington, DC

Alma Mater: Georgetown University

UAS Founder: 1959

Why I Founded UAS:

My commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment led to the founding of UAS in 1959. The goal was to create a space where African Americans could comfortably enter and advance in the exhilarating world of scuba diving.

Contributions to UAS:

As the founder, my role involves providing leadership, drawing from decades of experience, and casting a strategic vision to guide the club towards continued success and growth.

Diving Expertise and Achievements:

With a remarkable 68 years of scuba diving experience, my dedication to the sport has been recognized through prestigious awards, including:

NOGI Award

International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame induction

DEMA Reaching Out Award

Rolex Diver of the Year in 2005

Beyond Diving:

Outside the underwater realm, I am an 8th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, embracing the discipline and mastery that martial arts bring to my life.

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

Looking ahead, I envision UAS becoming the 'Go-To' organization for scuba diving activities. In five years, I see the club thriving as a hub for enthusiasts, offering unparalleled experiences and opportunities in the world of underwater exploration.

Thank you for being part of the UAS journey. Together, let's dive into the future and continue making waves in the world of scuba diving!

Greetings, fellow adventurers! I'm Melody Garrett, proudly serving as the President of the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS). Here's a little insight into the person behind the title:


Hometown: Prince George’s County, MD

Alma Mater: Morgan State University / Georgetown University School of Medicine

UAS Member Since: 2009

Motivation to Join UAS: Seeking scuba certification and thrilled to discover a local community of divers. Representation matters, and finding a group where fellow divers looked like me was an exciting bonus.

Contributions to UAS:

Drawing from 15 years of diving experience and professional training, my goal is to enhance the safety, overall health, and confidence of our fellow divers. I actively encourage skills development and provide education on medical and diving topics.

Diving Expertise and Achievements:

Divemaster, PADI: 2011

Diving With A Purpose (DWP), Lead Instructor: 2020

DWP (LI) International Costa Rica Training: 2022

Featured in the Epix docuseries 'Enslaved'

Photographed in the DWP Exhibit at the National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC), Washington, DC

UAS Safety Officer: 2023

Beyond Diving:

When not exploring the depths, you can find me involved in:

Overseeing soccer at Palmer Park/Landover Boy’s & Girls Club as the Soccer Commissioner & Coach

Satisfying my wanderlust through travel

Immersing myself in a good book

Cherishing moments with family and friends

Unleashing my inner comedian with amateur stand-up comedy

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

In the next five years, I envision UAS as a thriving community with:

Robust membership and diverse committees spanning all age groups

Continued focus on swimming and diving skill development, including the training of dive professionals

High visibility and recognition throughout the Washington, DC area

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with UAS. Together, let's dive into the future!

Melody Garrett


Arthur Miller


Hello, underwater enthusiasts! I'm Arthur C. Miller, also known as AquaBoggie, proudly serving as the Vice President and Acting Historian of the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS). Here's a glimpse into my journey:


Hometown: Kingston, NY

Alma Mater: Howard University / University of Maryland

UAS Member Since: 1998

Why I Joined UAS: Introduced to scuba diving during a vacation in Cancun in 1995, I was inspired to pursue certification. In 1997, I discovered UAS, leading to my certification in 1998.

Contributions to UAS:

Over the years, I've been deeply involved in UAS:

President: 2008-2009, 2016

Vice President: 2023 – Present

Current role as UAS Historian

Active participation in various committees

Passionate about giving back to the club that has allowed me to explore the depths of oceans and seas while traveling the world.

Diving Expertise and Achievements:

Open Water Certified: 1998

Master Scuba Diver: 2006

Divemaster: 2007

Coral Restoration Diver II: 2014

Beyond Diving:

When I'm not beneath the waves, you'll find me enjoying:

Biking and Bowling

Unwavering support for NY sports teams

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

In the next five years, I envision UAS achieving new heights:

A 50-75% increase in active membershipExpanded digital footprint for UASGreater promotion of UAS legacyEnhanced community outreach initiatives

Greetings, fellow aquatic enthusiasts! I am Carlyn R. Cole, and though I may no longer explore the depths due to health reasons, my passion for scuba diving remains as deep as the ocean itself. Here's a glimpse into my journey with the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS):


Certified: 1994

Certification Level: Advanced Open Water

Logged Dives: Over 600

Why I Love Scuba Diving:

Scuba diving has been a lifelong love, and my journey with UAS began after my certification in 1994. Although health considerations prevent me from diving now, my heart remains immersed in the joy and wonder that underwater exploration brings.

Club Affiliations:

I am not only a proud member of UAS but also a lifetime member of NABS since 1994, showcasing my commitment to the underwater community.

Honored to Serve as Secretary:

Currently honored to serve as the Secretary of UAS, I bring a wealth of experience to the role. Having served as President and Vice President multiple times, I've been actively involved in various committees and activities within both UAS and NABS.

Evolution of the Secretary Role:

Over the years, the duties of the secretary have evolved, reflecting changes in communication, member recruitment, and post-pandemic interactions. As a member of the UAS executive board, I contribute a unique perspective—a blend of wisdom and an "old school," "O.G.," and "remember when" approach to the club.

Looking to the Future:

As Secretary, I eagerly anticipate collaborating with newer members, learning from their 2024 knowledge and skills. My goal is to blend the rich history of the club with fresh perspectives, ensuring we navigate the ever-changing landscape of scuba diving together.

Embracing the Journey:

While I may not be diving presently, my enthusiasm for UAS and the underwater world remains unwavering. I look forward to performing my duties with dedication and a passion that mirrors the depths we all explore.

Thank you for being part of this incredible aquatic adventure with UAS!

Carlyn Cole


Ray McFarland


Greetings, underwater enthusiasts! I'm Ray McFarland, the CEO of 21st Century Expo Group and honored to serve as the Treasurer for the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS). Here's a glimpse into my journey and commitment to the UAS community:


Hometown: Charleston, SC

Alma Mater: Howard University

UAS Member Since: 2012

Why I Joined UAS: Inspired by Sybil and Rufus Meyer's global dive adventures, I joined UAS after a year of encouragement from Ruthie Browning. The camaraderie, exciting trips, and the presence of fellow African American divers drew me in.

Contributions to UAS:

With 40 years of event experience, I am committed to expanding and growing the club. As Treasurer, my focus is on increasing the club's revenue to support diving promotion and other engaging activities.

Diving Expertise:

In my pursuit of diving excellence, I've acquired numerous certifications, with Rescue Diver as my highest achievement. I aspire to reach the level of Master Diver, showcasing my dedication to mastering the art and science of diving.

Beyond Diving:When not exploring the underwater world, you'll find me engaged in:

Satisfying my love for travelAttending sporting eventsEmbarking on global jazz cruises

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

Looking ahead, my goal is to help establish an endowment that continues the remarkable legacy initiated by Dr. Jones and upheld by decades of inspiring members. This endowment will ensure that diving remains a powerful means to narrate the story of the African diaspora.

Thank you for being part of this incredible underwater journey with UAS. Let's dive into the future, continuing to inspire and celebrate the rich history of African American divers!

Greetings, fellow underwater explorers! I'm Jay V. Haigler, also known simply as Jay, and I am thrilled to serve as the UAS Dive Coordinator. Let me share a bit about my journey and aspirations within the UAS community:


Hometown: Washington, DC

Alma Mater: The Catholic University of America

UAS Member Since: 2005

Why I Joined UAS:

In 2005, I became part of UAS with a shared goal – to dive into the underwater world alongside like-minded individuals with similar life experiences. The camaraderie and shared passion for exploration drew me to this vibrant community.

Contributions to UAS:

As the UAS Dive Coordinator, I bring a wave of excitement, enthusiasm, and a profound passion for scuba diving. My goal is to foster an environment that ignites the same love for underwater exploration in every member.

Diving Expertise and Achievements:

Diving is not just a hobby for me; it's a passion and an area of personal expertise. Some notable achievements include:

Specialization in Maritime Archaeology

UAS Founders Award recipient

Best UAS Open Water Student in 2005

NABS Diver of the Year in 2011

Beyond Diving:

When I'm not submerged in the depths, you'll find me working with community-based non-profit organizations. Giving back to the community is another passion that complements my love for underwater exploration.

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

Looking ahead, my vision for UAS involves establishing a formal leadership development program. In five years, I see the club not only thriving in underwater adventures but also nurturing future leaders who will continue to steer our community towards new horizons.

Thank you for being part of the UAS journey. Let's continue exploring the wonders beneath the surface and building a community that thrives on shared passion and leadership!

Jay Haigler

Dive Coordiantor

Alex Colvin II

Safety Officer

Greetings, fellow adventurers! I'm Alex Colvin, affectionately known as Lightfoot, and I wear multiple hats as a Power Engineering Instructor and UAS Safety Officer. Let me take you on a journey through my UAS experience and contributions:


Hometown: Washington, DC

Alma Mater: University of District of Columbia

UAS Member Since: 1994

Why I Joined UAS:

In 1994, my desire to scuba dive and explore the world led me to join UAS. The prospect of embarking on diving adventures and traveling to new destinations captured my imagination and fueled my passion for exploration.

Contributions to UAS:

As a Power Engineering Instructor and UAS Safety Officer, I prioritize the advancement and training of new divers with safety as the paramount concern. Through my expertise and dedication, I aim to instill confidence and ensure the well-being of all members.

Diving Expertise and Achievements:

My journey in diving is marked by various certifications and achievements, including:

PADI Master Instructor

PADI IDC Staff Instructor

Handicapped Scuba Instructor

Master Underwater Criminal Investigator

UAS Member of the Year in 1994

Lifetime Member of NABS

Aqua Corps Member, NABS

Beyond Diving:

When I'm not exploring the underwater world, you'll find me engaged in:



Assisting veterans and fellow humankind, reflecting my commitment to service and community.

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

Looking ahead, I envision UAS growing in membership, particularly attracting younger members. By fostering a welcoming and inclusive community, we can continue to expand our horizons and share the wonders of underwater exploration with a new generation of adventurers.

Thank you for being part of the UAS journey. Let's dive deeper, explore further, and build a community that thrives on shared passion and camaraderie!

Hello, fellow water enthusiasts! I'm Earl Powell, your friendly Printing Specialist and a proud member of the Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS). Here's a bit about my journey and contributions to the UAS family:


Hometown: Washington, DC

Alma Mater: University of the District of Columbia

UAS Member Since: 2017

Why I Joined UAS: With a deep love for the water, UAS presented the perfect opportunity to indulge my passion and explore dive destinations worldwide.

Contributions to UAS:

Bringing a wealth of water safety experience as a former lifeguard and instructor, I contribute to UAS by promoting a culture of safety during our underwater adventures.

Diving Achievements:

I take pride in being recognized within the UAS community, having been awarded the prestigious title of Diver of the Year. This achievement reflects my commitment to the club and my passion for diving.

Beyond Diving:

When not submerged in the deep blue, you'll find me enjoying:

Spinning tunes as a DJExploring the creative world of sewing

Vision for UAS in 5 Years:

In the next five years, I envision UAS flourishing and expanding its community. My hope is to see the club grow in membership, fostering a vibrant and diverse community of underwater enthusiasts.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with UAS. Let's continue exploring the depths and making waves together!

Earl Powell

Assistant Dive Safety Officer

Founding Club of

The National Association of Black Scuba Drivers

Founding Club of

The National Association of Black Scuba Drivers


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