About The Organization

Meetings The Underwater Adventure Seekers meet at local restaurants and at community facilities on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month. About once every 15 months, teams of club members act as hosts and are responsible for selecting the meeting location for the dates on the club meeting host roster. Food and beverages are provided and guests are welcomed. A typical meeting hosts up to 50 participants.

The agendas for the meetings are established by the club president and are circulated in advance via email by the club secretary. Meeting locations and driving directions are posted on the club website in advance of the meetings. Club announcements, committee reports, dive safety tips, dive training opportunities, and club events are among the features of each meeting.

Club Meeting’ on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays – Meeting location TBA see UAS Events Calendar.

Elections In accordance with club bylaws, elections are held annually at the last meeting of the year. Only members in good standing and who are in attendance may cast votes or run for the various positions. At that time, prospective members who have been invited to join the Underwater Adventure Seekers and who have undergone appropriate training can be voted in as new members.

Requirements for Membership Every member of the Underwater Adventure Seekers is expected to complete the annual check-out to remain in good standing with the club. The check-out requirements are listed below and are based on membership years for each group. Prospective members are expected to coordinate with the dive instructors to be properly instructed on the execution of each skill and to attain a level of mastery prior to diving with the club. There are approximately 37 skills that must be mastered in swimming, skin diving, and on SCUBA. In addition, each member is expected to complete at least 5 club dives per year to remain in good standing according to the club bylaws. Other membership requirements are: hosting a meeting on the club roster, paying dues, participating in the crab feast fundraiser to support a local college student studying marine biology, and regularly attending meetings.

Founding Club of

The National Association of Black Scuba Drivers

Founding Club of

The National Association of Black Scuba Drivers


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